LARA is not only radio and music player...

LARA manages to be a radio and a music player, but is also an intercom, a video and audio in one! It is great for instalation in the houses, flats but also in buildings.

LARA Intercom is a compact device in design LOGUS90. It allows audio/video communication with some of SIP intercoms (2N, BOLD) which was not possible in the basic version LARA Radio. Communication is between single LARAS (audio) and thanks to new SIP account there is possibility to communicate with others. For example aplications iHC or iMM those are registred in Asterix (audio).

INTERKOM enables communication between people in the house. It can be up to 8 LARAS directly between each other.
VIDEOPHONE allows communication with IP Door Communicator from company 2N and ALPHATECH TECHNOLOGIES (IP BOLD). Through this technology is transmised video and audio on LARA. If you are not at home then the call is automatically redirected to your smart phone.
AUDIOZONE, which allows you to play your music on any zone in the house.

If you communicate with door IP Door Communicator then you can unlock door or gate directly from LARA. Using Lara intercom improves safety and comfort (video shows you who is standing in front of your door).

You can install 6 LARAS + 2 IP Door Communicator (you can combine them up to 8 accounts). After connecting the device „Connection server“ you can use up to 30 units of LARA (in combination with IP Door Communicator), which is great for bigger installations (building, building with flats).

More informations here.
Download brochure here.

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